Bottom number must be
greater than the top one. |
This is another puzzle of the
2nd World Sudoku Championship held in Prague on
March 28 -- April 1, 2007. It was part of the 2WSC
Every square cell of a 6x6 square grid is divided
diagonally into two triangle sub-cells (white and gray)
so that there are six vertical and six horizontal lines
each consisting of twelve triangle sub-cells. Fill in
the whole 6x6 grid with numbers 1 through 12 (one number
per triangle sub-cell) so that each horizontal line,
each vertical line, and each of the six 2x3 rectangles
(outlined with the bold lines) must contain all the
twelve different numbers 1 through 12. In each 1x1
square cell of the grid the bottom number (on the gray
triangle) always must be greater than the top one on the
white triangle; see the small diagram at left.
To solve the puzzle you may want to print just the above grid.
For this click the image of the grid to go to a new
window with this grid; then you can print it out.
Note that you can print the puzzle for your own use
only, and not for any kind of commercial profit. |